Victoria Music Center

Our Center has been created to offer master classes with prestigious international professors throughout the year. 

We have a concert hall with wonderful audience at all our concerts.


Our Center has been created to offer master classes with prestigious international professors throughout the year. 

We believe that this is a fundamental process of interpretive growth, and our courses can help to prepare competitions, exams, recitals, or have the valuable experience of meeting and performing in front of the great figures of the classical music world.

The Victoria Music Center is located in the "Quadrat d'Or '' in Barcelona, considered an architectural open-air museum with works by Antoni Gaudí, by Domènech i Montaner and by Puig i Cadafalch, among others. 
Our centre is located 300 meters from the Arc de Triomphe, and close to the prestigious Passeig de Gràcia, Barcelona's most elegant boulevard.

The City of Barcelona is full of life, with cultural, commercial and sporting activity: music, theater, cinema, dance, opera, exhibitions, international fairs, shops and malls, art galleries, design centers, etc.


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